
The italian name of ballet in the world

Among all the arts, dance seems to be the one more free from the determination of a "tool", different from the body of the dancer itself. Nevertheless the most advanced form of dance - ballet - it found itself, at some point in its history, to have one: the pointe shoe. The tradition wants that the first ballerina to use pointe was Maria Taglioni, other sources said Amalia Brugnoli, anyway it was a spontaneous ballet conquest in that era where craft of pointe shoes born.

The name par excellence of Italian dancing shoes is the company founded in Milan in 1919 by Eugenio Porselli .

Grown until today on the line of a solid familiar tradition, Porselli has obtained appreciation worldwide for its quality, fruit of experience and professionalism possible thanks to a direct link with ballet  un legame con la danza authentically lived, enough to say that the history of Porselli's shoes is the history of the ballet itself.

The finely selected raw materials and the fine machining,  materie prime sceltissime e la raffinata lavorazione, enriched by a live direct relationship with the world of dance and its problems, makes the famous shoes and other Porselli's products the ideal for the ballerina and the dancer of today as they have been for those in the past.

If already in the thirties, Porselli had offices in London and Paris, today its production established itself everywhere and flattering praises coming from the United States as from Japan.

In fact in this valuable work, become industry without losing the heritage of artisan, the dance world doesn't hesitate to recognize the utmost importance.

Constant commitment, tenacious work, passionate research for continuous improvement have characterized Porselli over the years and are the hinges that enriched always new stimulations.

The physiognomy of Porselli is indeed the same dual physiognomy of ballet : be aware of a indispensable tradition, but on the other side look to a future in which the name Porselli will still have more than ever its place and its role irreplaceable.